By Andreas Babiolakis
Introducing my Wall of Directors: my gallery of the top filmmakers of all time. It’s that simple. I also feel like there are just too many amazing names to smush into just a top one hundred list, so I have a few extra categories, allowing for even more names. You can see how they have been divided below.
Additionally, the goal is to have each picture act as a hyperlink that will take you to my Filmography Worship series of each director (I currently only have a couple done, but will be adding to this frequently from here on out); hover over any picture, and any that can be clicked on will have such a list. For some of the other directors (like the early cinema or experimental directors that may have literally hundreds of films each), I will provide some sort of an article instead. There is no deadline for this, so these can take however long to happen.
Let’s get right to it. Each group is in alphabetical order.

This is a straight forward list of my top one hundred directors of all time.

Here are ten monumental names of early cinema, who either helped innovate the art of cinematic storytelling, or were some of the first auteurs of all time; some other early cinema directors are in the above top one hundred list, but these filmmakers helped shape early cinema as a medium.

If a director has too few films in their filmography, or has only been influencing film in the last twenty (or so) years, they are featured here as the new class of the medium. Their impact on cinema is already being felt.

These experts of the avant-garde are difficult to contain or compare, but they deserved recognition for their alterations of what film can be. These are ten of the most influential and/or unique names of underground and experimental cinema.