Introducing: Films Fatale Masterclass


Films Fatale is now well into its fifth month of activity. We thank you so much for your devotion. However, we are burning out a little bit due to our nonstop commitment. Well, the only way to slow down is to speed up (somehow). Let me explain: part of that difficulty comes from trying to find ideas when there just isn’t enough to work with. This means no juicy cinematic news, or films that really need to be reviewed. We will keep all of this up, but we want to implement something a bit more. We have many ideas down the road, too, but we need something a bit different during these super stale mediocre blockbuster months.

Enter Films Fatale Masterclass. As the creator of Films Fatale, I have been itching to make some sort of an online educational tool for budding cinephiles. Many people hate critics and reviews. That’s fine. We all watch films for different reasons. However, some of you are interested in what critics have to say. Maybe you’re wondering how we noticed something you didn’t before. We aren’t special. We’re trained. That’s why we are launching our Masterclass segment. We will teach you what we look for in different areas of film: direction, production, cinematography, writing, acting, and even the lesser focused-on elements (sound mixing and editing, for instance).

This won’t be a frequently-regular segment, because we want to make sure each and every part is well thought out. We want all of these lessons to truly count. We can create new segments whenever there is a noticeable lull of content: maybe once or twice a month, depending on the month.

What we need you to do is let us know what part of cinema you want to learn about first. You can be general with your request (you can simply say “acting”, or you can say “what makes a monologue great?”, for extra specificity). Just know that our articles won’t be extremely general, yet they may include opening articles that give a broad overview, only for subsequent articles to get more in depth.

Send your requests over to and we will decide which element to begin with based on the amount of votes every aspect gets. We will also be creating a section specifically for our Masterclass articles. With that in mind, our homepage is beginning to be a bit clunky. Expect some cleaning up in the near future!

Thank you all for your support. We hope that these segments will make you experience cinema in a whole new invigorating light.

-Andreas Babiolakis
Creator of Films Fatale

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Andreas Babiolakis has a Masters degree in Film and Photography Preservation and Collections management from Ryerson University, as well as a Bachelors degree in Cinema Studies from York University. His favourite times of year are the Criterion Collection flash sales and the annual Toronto International Film Festival.