Masterclass Requests

It’s been a while since Films Fatale has released a Masterclass lesson, hasn’t it?

Our Masterclass series contains some of Films Fatale’s most popular content, which gets shared from university classes and textbooks to film forums and social media applications.

It’s about time we start churning out new topics in this series, seeing as our lessons have been dormant — yet admired — for so long.

We’ve been busy with so many other pieces of content on Films Fatale and our annual goings-on (including our festival season coverage and our Academy Awards related projects, amongst many others) that our Masterclass releases, which generally take far longer to make, got cast off to the side.

Additionally, there’s one other reason why our Masterclass series slowed down, and this is where you, dear reader, can be of great help: we weren’t sure what topics to cover next.

Since we want to bring these lessons back to a frequent schedule, we’d like to know what you want to learn about!

We recommend visiting our Masterclass section and seeing what is already covered.

Afterwards, fill out the form below (don’t worry, it’s completely anonymous and without any hitches) and comment on what you’d like to see a lesson on; there’s an extra box for any additional notes, suggestions, or requests that you want to bring up.

We’ll only consider topics and ideas that haven’t already been covered by us, so please make sure that we don’t already have an article based on your suggestion.

Naturally, any topics that are requested the most will be prioritized. Try to refrain from spamming our inbox with many requests for the same topic, though.

We look forward to your submissions! Thank you,

-Team Films Fatale

Andreas Babiolakis has a Masters degree in Film and Photography Preservation and Collections Management from Ryerson University, as well as a Bachelors degree in Cinema Studies from York University. His favourite times of year are the Criterion Collection flash sales and the annual Toronto International Film Festival.