Ranking Every Quentin Tarantino Film (Like Everyone Else Does)
Like Everyone Else Does, insights, InsightsAndreas BabsQuentin Tarantino, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, pulp fiction, reservoir dogs, django unchained, inglourious basterds, jackie brown, kill bill, kill bill volume I, kill bill volume II, the hateful eight, death proof, like everyone else does, ranking
Stanley Kubrick: Five Films for Newcomers
insights, Insights, Five Films for NewcomersAndreas Babsstanley kubrick, five films to watch for newcomers, paths of glory, dr. strangelove, dr. strangelove or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb, 2001, 2001: a space odyssey, barry lyndon, the killing
Ten Films We're Excited For At TIFF
Insights, insightsAndreas BabsTIFF, toronto international film festival, parasite, list, lists, the lighthouse, portrait of a lady on fire, pain and glory, saturday fiction, joker, harriet, jojo rabbit, honey boy, the painted bird, uncut gems
Should You Watch An Anticipated Film with Bad Reviews? (or How to Understand Rotten Tomatoes and Critics)
Ten Cinematic Foods for National Chef Day
insights, InsightsAndreas Babsfood, list, lists, pulp fiction, chungking express, tampopo, ratatouille, daisies, moonlight, a woman under the influence, cries & whispers, alien, mulholland drive
The Last Awards Season of the Decade
Stranger Things and the Carte Blanche for Nostalgia
Mulan: An Actual Original Take
Ernest Borgnine: Five Films for Newcomers
The Ten Greatest Canadian Films for Canada Day
Insights, insightsAndreas Babscanada day, canada, canadian cinema, the sweet hereafter, incendies, i've heard the mermaids singing, dead ringers, warrendale, my winnipeg, atanarjuat: the fast runner, atanarjuat, wavelength, a place to stand, room, lists, list
Joker, and the Push for Ultimate Glory
insights, InsightsAndreas Babsjoker, batman, bruce wayne, joaquin phoenix, todd phillips, the joker, comic book films, dc comics, dc films
The Keys To Success With Films Based On The Songs of Legends
Horror Films and Sequels: We'll Never Hear the End of Them.
insights, InsightsAndreas Babshorror films, horror, horror movies, sequels, child's play, la llorona, the curse of la llorona, annabelle, the conjuring, the conjuring universe
Eli Wallach: Five Films for Newcomers
Ten Scorching Films For Summer
insights, InsightsAndreas Babsdo the right thing, apocalypse now, the good the bad and the ugly, pierrot le fou, call me by your name, in the heat of the night, dog day afternoon, before sunset, before sunrise, before midnight, before trilogy, the before trilogy, summer with monika, fallen angels, summer, summer films, lists, list, heat
Ten Film Soundtracks and Scores to Drive To During the Summer
Insights, insightsAndreas Babslists, list, purple rain, call me by your name, the last picture show, drive, dead man, the virgin suicides, tron: legacy, tron, the graduate, trainspotting, super fly
Ten Sport Film Greats
insights, InsightsAndreas Babssports, sports and film, raging bull, olympia, hoop dreams, the pride of the yankees, the wrestler, the champion, bull durham, million dollar baby, the hustler, breaking away
The Exhaustion of Sequels, Reboots and Rehashes.