The Best 100 Films of the 1920's
Insights, insights, Decades ProjectAndreas BabsSeven Chances, The Joyless Street, The House on Trubnaya, Lucky Star, The Wedding March, The Docks of New York, La Souriante Madame Beudet, The Student of Prague, The Last Laugh, Applause, Steamboat Bill, Jr., Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Isn’t Life Wonderful, Destiny, Zvenigora, The Navigator, Foolish Wives, The Kid Brother, Coeur Fidele, Way Down East, Body and Soul, Street Angel, Sparrows, Blackmail, Bed and Sofa, 3 Bad Men, The Red Kimono, The End of St. Petersburg, Speedy, The Love of Jeanne Ney, A Woman of Paris, Cave of the Silken Web, The Love Parade, El Dorado, Diary of a Lost Girl, Variety, L’invitation au Voyage, The Phantom of the Opera, October (Ten Days that Shook the World), Linda, Lady Windermere's Fan, Our Hospitality, Sadie Thompson, The Penalty, Within Our Gates, Mother, The Unknown, The House of Mystery, From Morn to Midnight, The Lighthouse Keepers, Underworld, The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog, The Adventures of Prince Achmed, The Golem: How He Came into the World, Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ, The Freshman, Heart of an Actress, The Toll of the Sea, Seventh Heaven, L’inhumaine, Wings, The Cameraman, Arsenal, Spies, L’Argent, The Thief of Bagdad, Lonesome, The Circus, La Roue, The General Line, Flesh and the Devil, Michael, Faust, The Man Who Laughs, Safety Last!, Strike, The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse, The New Babylon, Sherlock, Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror, Nosferatu, The Gold Rush, Die Nibelungen, The Phantom Carriage, The Big Parade, The Wind, The Kid, Dr. Mabuse the Gambler, A Page of Madness, The General, Pandora’s Box, The Last Command, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The Crowd, Napoléon, The Seashell and the Clergyman, Greed, Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans, Battleship Potemkin, The Passion of Joan of Arc, Metropolis, 1920's, 20s, 1920s, best of the decade, best of, best of all time, lists, list