Ranking Every Nominated Film of the 97th Academy Awards

Written by Andreas Babiolakis

We’ve gone and ranked every single nominee in every category at this year’s Academy Awards. Now, we ignore the reasons why these films were nominated. We are going to rank the nominated films just as they are, from worst to best. If you should seek more information on these works, feel free to click on each title to pull up a full review that I — or someone else on the Films Fatale team — wrote. I may not see eye-to-eye with a film someone else reviewed, and that will be reflected in my ranking here. I also may feel differently about certain films — for better or for worse — than when I first reviewed them, and that will be obvious with my ranking as well. I’ll come out and admit that I have greatly soured over Emilia Pérez since I first saw it at the Toronto International Film Festival half a year ago, and I may write a new review for my current thoughts on the film. For now, I’ll leave my initial review, because I don’t believe in hiding how I once felt about this film: it would feel like lying and like an attempt to rewrite Films Fatale’s history (which I never believe in).

Nonetheless, there will be no more fluff. Let’s get to ranking one final time. Here are all of your nominees at the 97th Academy Awards ranked from worst to best.

We are wrapping up this week with more Academy Awards related content in preparation for the ceremony on Sunday, March 2nd. We will have our final predictions posted this upcoming Friday. Stay tuned!

Andreas Babiolakis has a Masters degree in Film and Photography Preservation and Collections Management from Ryerson University, as well as a Bachelors degree in Cinema Studies from York University. His favourite times of year are the Criterion Collection flash sales and the annual Toronto International Film Festival.